Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome September

I love September, my favorite month - the weather is usually perfect. Great for outdoor activities - like cycling, hiking, running, playing football and doing agility with my dogs. We won't have time for a hike today - we are going to Greg's parents house for dinner.

I did cycle indoors yesterday and woke up with no pain - I went slower but longer yesterday. My bike computer says 50 minutes and 8.1 miles - not blistering fast but nice for calorie burning.

After Greg mows (the weeds have taken over our yard), I will do some jump work with Gusto. I plan to run the stuff that Rosanne has on her blog. Gusto is doing much better at 26 but still needs a lot of work.

I took a cute picture of Gusto yesterday. Will upload in a few minutes. He sucks on one of my stuff animals when I am on the computer or on my indoor bike. I also got a cute picture of Robbie getting ready to pounce on Devin.

1 comment:

Sharon Gilligan said...

Rosanne and I both have b-days in Sept. Rosanne's is today, I need to put that one in the calendar that I will never remember to look at. It's electronic.