Monday, November 24, 2008

Sixers Game

WOW! I've never been to a Professional sporting event quite like this. First of all, I love basketball and have my whole life. I even played it a bit when I was Devin's age. Second of all, we were in a club box suite with food, a private bathroom and the ability to move around. This was so worth the drive to Philly.

We brought a friend of Devin's along and the expression on both of their faces when we walked into the Club Box and down to the front to see the court was priceless. They sat in the seats waiting for the players to come out and warm up. They got really excited when they recognized certain players like Iguodala, Dalembert and Young. Both of the boys were watching the count down clock eagerly anticipating the start of the game. I wasn't sure how long they would sit and watch since they weren't stuck in regular seats. They sat a lot, totally into the game and the atmosphere. I would catch myself forgetting to watch the game because it was so much fun watching the boys.

The Sixers pulled out a win. All players doing some fantastic things like great passes, assists and some slam dunks by Iguodala. Brand played a great game too - I think he had was the top scoring player but you would have to confer with my stat geek husband, Greg. He was watching the ticker at the other end of the stadium. I was watching the game and the boys.

What fun! Now the rest of our weekends will be a tad bit lower key and spent doing Holiday things with our families. I am starting to get the agility itch to show Gusto though.

I think this break from agility has been great. I continue to run, cycle and do physical things that gives me an outlet for my restless energy. I train my dogs when I am in the mood and I get to do fun things with Greg and Devin. A balanced life is the key to inner peace. I'm desperately trying to ignore my obsessive compulsive self that gets locked onto something like a vengeance and maintain balance between family, athletic pursuits and agility.

Keeping everything in perspective is critical if you want to pursue any personal goals. I have some new goals for 2009. They aren't what you might think they are; it remains to be seen if I can stay the course, in pursuit of these goals.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Steeler Football

We had snow squalls yesterday. Perfect weather for playing a little bit of football....if you are a Steelers Fan. The boys had fun and I stayed warm inside other than the quick jaunt outside to snap a couple of pictures.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ain't So Bad

If you're a dog...with your own personal fur coat to keep you warm. I might hike instead of run today. I love to go out in the first snow, makes me feel like a kid again.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sweet or Suite

We just found out that the tickets for the Sixers game this coming Sunday are for a Suite. How cool is that? I've never been to a "pro" anything. Alright, I actually went to a Pirates game when I lived in Pittsburgh but they sucked and I don't really like baseball so it doesn't count. I also went to an Orioles game many moons ago but still doesn't count cuz I really do not like baseball.

I actually love basketball - I don't follow the Sixers though. I'm more of an ACC basketball fan. it doesn't matter though, this is going to be fun.

I'm loving my non-agility weekends! Still not bored.

It's snowing here today; just lightly. Today is a cycling day but am trying to decide whether I should or not. I'm feeling a cold coming on AGAIN and my son needs pants - he has outgrown everything and will begin to look like Steve Erkle if I don't get out to buy him some that fit.

I'm sure I will hop on the trainer - I keep hearing a certain song in my head by Queen. I need to find a way to link to one version of the song that I stumbled across yesterday. I saved it under "bad music".

Well enough rambling - must go to the freezing cold unheated building to teach.
Positives about teaching in the freezing cold building - it clears out my sinuses.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Snot Sickles

The highs are only supposed to be around 32 degrees and after spending the morning in my unheated training building teaching and working my own dogs, my hands do not want to work.

Since I have no desire to learn how to blow snot sickles; I will get on the dreaded, evil treadmill.

Wish me luck - I hate that thing, it wants to dump me off the back whenever it feels like it. It is like a bucking bronco and I am not like a cowgirl. I'll just have to strap myself on and go for a ride.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Was Serious

Devin did not have an outlet for his energy yesterday because the weather was pretty cold so no outside play at school. As I posted earlier - he reminds me of Troy Polamalu who plays Safety for the Steelers. I caught him jumping from our "half" wall in the kitchen onto the couch - several feet from the wall. GRRR - that is one of our only nice pieces of furniture (I couldn't help laughing anyway at his expression when I caught him). Devin did some sprints in the house too - using his watch, he timed his sprints. He's 9 years old. Scary, huh?

Thank GOD basketball starts in a couple of weeks.


I was on Marcy's blog today and her post rings so true. Find ways to keep motivated through the Winters in the Northeast. They can be pretty brutal.

One of my biggest motivators is ESCAPE. Escape from my crazy house.

One of my second biggest motivators is the workout log. I know - I sound like a geek. I need to see the numbers climb.

My third biggest motivator is fitting in to my jeans.

My motivator for working my dogs - the insanity in my house. I have peace right now because I worked 2 of them up at my training building. This peace will be short lived though - Devin gets home from school in a few hours and the racous begins anew. Living with him is like living with Troy Polamalu. If you don't know who he is watch this video clip....he is the one with the long hair and in Black and Gold at the end - he plays for the Steelers:

Monday, November 17, 2008

I Ran, Sort Of

I finally stopped procrastinating and got outside for a run....sort of. It was more of a lift foot a little bit, drag the other forward, lift a bit, drag and keep repeating. Legs felt like lead. I kept thinking of that New Balance commercial that shows the love/hate relationship with running. I was NOT feeling the love today.

On a dog note - Robbie had his herding lesson yesterday. He was magnificant. I got to watch from the side as my instructor worked him. I really do not want to mess up his foundation. She moved him to the next largest field she has and he did a natural wide outrun. He is calm and keeps his sheep under control. It really is a beautiful thing to watch because he just knows what to do, no fighting him, no arguing, just poetry in motion. Truly beautiful. I need to get some short video clips so I can post them.

Alright I'll Run

The weather is bitterly cold. I think it is currently below 40 degrees. I need to motivate myself to get out and run. I REFUSE to run on a treadmill - would rather cut off my legs. I looked at my workout log and that is motivation - the mileage is embarrassing. I could hop on my indoor bike. I don't hate that like I do the treadmill.

It's supposed to flurry tomorrow. That's the kind of day I used to like to take the mountain bike out to a rail trail but confess that I do not feel like lifting the 35 lb monster onto the back of a vehicle. I also do not have a bike rack on my car - got a Mustang last year. No way am I gonna scratch up the Stang with the behemoth bike.

Alright - enough rambling and avoiding. I will sit and read my new book for a bit and wait for the temps to break 40 and then I am going out for a run.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

One of My First Crushes

Not only was he a great speed skater, he also became an accomplished road cyclist after his Olympic career was over. He is now an Orthopedic Surgeon and was the US Olympic Speed Skating Team doctor for 2002 and 2006.

Bored - I think NOT

I didn't show in agility this weekend. I know several people that did and I will be curious to hear how their weekend went. I, however, had some other fun. Like going to dinner with Greg for his birthday while Devin went to a friend's for a big year end football party sleepover.

We went to Annie Bailey's pub in Lancaster. The food was wonderful, the beer and cider delicious and the atmosphere was a bit raucous and loud but that's the way a pub should be.

Next day, off to Grandmother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Greg's Parents will be in Nevada over Thanksgiving so we had turkey dinner early. Devin missed the entire feast because he didn't sleep a wink at Caleb's house; he stayed in our car and slept while we ate. We couldn't get him to come inside, he was too tired to care.

Immediately following the feast, we drove an hour to get to Devin's football skating "thank the coaches" party. Devin didn't want to go, he didn't want to skate, he wanted to go home because he was miserably tired :) One of the coaches convinced him to drink a Mountain Dew and join in the fun. It worked. He even wanted to put on some rollerblades and skate. I haven't seen him skate much since agility takes me away so frequently. He's gotten pretty good and is interested in a pair for Christmas. We'll see - his feet grow so fast that it might not be worth it.

At the end of the party, they held races for the different groups - Varsity, JV and girls. One of the rink refs told me to come out - he practically came over and hauled me out to the rink. I was a bit embarrased but I never back down from a challenge so I joined in. There were only 4 of us and I can guarantee that I was the oldest. Never mind that, I went to the line feeling a bit nervous. I didn't want to fall on my face or break any bones. I got set - trying to figure out how to brace my back foot in blades - there is no toe pick, no toe stopper. I thought to myself - how did Eric Heiden do it in the Olympics so many years ago when I was a huge fan. Right - you put your anchor foot out to the side to push off.

The whistle blew - I was off the line in a blink. I didn't fall on my face and I made it through the first corner without whiping out! I heard people cheering my name - pulling for the old gal, I'm sure. I got to the second corner, still upright and flying. I put the hammer down the straight away and into turn 3. UH OH - I had too much speed and I couldn't corner correctly. I went wide and heard the girl behind me right on my tail. I made it through the turn but she had caught up to my rear wheel. I boogied down to turn 4 and made it around the cone. Into the home stretch - darn, she caught me at the line. Oh well, youth has it's advantages. It was gobs of fun and I have never actually participated back in the day when I was HER age. We high fived each other for valiant efforts and rink dude gave me a high five too for being a good sport.

Devin was proud of me - he wanted me to win though. I live to challenge youth another day - tee hee!

Friday, November 14, 2008

New Feature

I finally found a way to track my workouts. I stumbled across this new little item by following some other blogs. I entered what I remembered for this week and need to go get that computer so I have accurate data. The biking data is accurate - I have a bike computer for all of my bikes although am only currently using my trainer bike.

My actual total biking miles for "lifetime" is over 2200 miles. But I am not going to go back and log all of my miles over the past 2 years. No thanks. I have no idea what my actual lifetime running miles would total. I used to run A LOT in 2004 - 2005 but I never tracked it. I started having back issues so I switched to cycling. Orthodics should help with some of my problems from 2004-05.


Well the rain and drizzle and basic ugliness didn't deter me today. Today was a running day and I got out around 8:30 am. Went to a local park that has the trails marked in 1/4 mile increments. I still want a computer for tracking but this gave me some indicator on the distance. I think I ran approximately 1.25 miles with no stopping. Then I walked and stretched and ran again - at least .5 miles then walked then ran one more time. I probably did around 2 miles today. My legs felt super strong and I went at a pace that I could sustain. Not sure what that pace is, mind you, since I have no way of tracking it yet.

I did go out and buy some better running sneaks since mine were causing my foot to roll toward the outside which means the sneakers are weakening from all the training I put on them doing agility. The guy at the specialty running store told me to go to Wal Mart or similar place and get a GPS type running device. I plan to do that this weekend.

I have a need to know distance, speed, time, pace and whatever else I can track.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Key

I did a lot of thinking after AZ and I let my teammates know that I would not be breaking my neck trying to be some crazy top level agility person. I am backing off and going to learn to go with the flow and enjoy agility when I am there and still spend quality time with the family. I haven't heard from both of them but one of my teamies sent me a great email. Very supportive and upbeat which is precisely why I picked her to team up with. She has had some disappointments in her agility career and she gained some great perspective from it. Instead of whining and crying over it, she picked herself up and plugged on. When I was upset after Gusto went off course in Steeplechase Semifinals, she let me vent and then she made me laugh about it. When her dog missed making the finals because of a bar, I reminded her that she was very close but that bar was out of her control and that at least she got her dog around the course which wasn't easy! I feel really good about being on a team with her. No matter how we do or what level we want to do it at, we will be supportive and enjoy the moments.

I got another great email from another friend of mine and that one reinforced the path I am taking. I am saving that email for future reference in case I lose my mind again. She runs, hikes, bikes and general keeps everything in balance which is what I am going to do too. I am removing any former crazed agility goals with a new one but I have to find the right words for it.

I was very happy with my reaction when Gusto popped the poles in Grand Prix Semis - I laughed. That's the key.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Miscellaneous Thoughts

I got an email today about Lacrosse registration. I'm actually kicking around the idea of offering my help with the coaching. No, I've never played but I have a general knowledge and am willing to read up on the rules etc. It was hard being on the sidelines seeing certain skills not getting worked for football. It bugged me mucho that Devin's three-point stance was INCORRECT. I finally showed him why it was wrong and how to fix it and he tried it. BUT because I wasn't a coach, he felt I shouldn't be telling him what to do :) I can respect his feelings. Greg gets to be his basketball coach, why can't I help with Lacrosse? If I assist, I do not have to be at ALL the games although will probably be at them anyway. Lacrosse season is March through the beginning of May. Robbie will not be ready or old enough to show until mid to late May. I am going to take Devin to registration and talk to the coaches. They may not need help and/or they may not want a MOM helping with boys lacrosse. We'll see.

Got an email from a cycling friend that does 10K races. I was asking for his advice on how to build endurance for a 5K run. I want to make sure I am doing the right things to build up to 3 to 5 mile runs or longer. No marathons; just longer cardio workouts. It seems I am on the right track. Today is a running day. My appetite is way up again and my legs feel stronger. I need better running shoes though. My current ones are leftovers from agility season and do not offer enough padding. So I get to go shopping in a few weeks for new sneaks - love to buy sneaks :)

Next shopping trip will include new jeans - the fat is melting off quickly. Love that feeling!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008


I went to pick Devin up at his school and decided to drive my jogging route. Just to see how far I actually went both times that I ran in the last several days. I am shocked - it was over a mile. I thought for sure it would be some short little embarrassing distance. It isn't a marathon but then I'm not a distance runner. It was way longer than I thought AND it had hills.

I have a pedometer but it never worked right. I would like to get another one so I can track my runs. Distances, calories burned, time, speed. I had all those gadgets on my bike and I loved them and would like to be able to do the same thing for my runs.

My Winter project besides getting back into pre-injury shape is locating a photography class so I can learn how to use all the bells and whistles on my camera. I also want to get a zoom lense - for Christmas.

I Finally Figure IT Out

I always have this feeling of motion. Like I need to keep moving forward to some destination. I was never sure what the destination was but I figured I would know it when I got there. It would hit me like a thunderbolt or something.

I was always searching to fill a gap or a hole or an emptiness. The right job, the right sport, the right goal, the right religion (yep, even tried that one when I was in my twenties). I just kept moving, running really towards something. Ever in pursuit of my dreams. I'm one of those people that have to have goals, that must keep driving.

In my pursuit of excellence in agility, I realized something. It didn't hit me like a thunderbolt. It was a slow awakening. A little nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that kept telling me that agility wasn't IT.

Why not? There is much work to be done if I want to reach some pinnacle at the top of the sport. You need passion to achieve that level of success. I no longer have the passion. I tried to keep pressing on, I tried to care enough to pay attention to the little subtle things in my training and my handling that needed to be addressed. I tried to set goals that would keep me moving forward. But it just didn't feel right.

I noticed this feeling this Fall. Even before we left for AZ, I had this thing in my head telling me not to go, to stay home. Some might think it was a fear of failure but I am so certain that wasn't it. I can say this with absolute certainty because I didn't even want to do the second day of any 2-day shows in September and October. I wanted to do one day, achieve some sort of success and then go home to be with Greg and Devin. When I was at agility, I wanted to be at Devin's football games. When I was at football, I didn't even think about agility. I felt NO guilt over not showing.

I was upset at how I performed in AZ. But I was more upset being out there and not being at home to see his last game. After I hopped on Val's mountain bike, the realization hit me....I enjoyed riding that bike more than I did showing Gusto. I just wanted to hop on her bike and ride away from the site - to just ride. I stopped riding and running to save my knee for the BIG event. I can't begin to tell you how cranky that made me.

I'm an athlete. Plain and simple. And as long as I am doing athletic things, using my body and pushing it beyond it's current capabilities, then I will be achieving personal success. Because the truth is, in my pursuit for some fantastic high level goals in agility, I realized my pursuit of excellence has nothing to do with agility.

I take more pleasure at watching Devin achieve his goals than I do in my own. I look forward to watching Greg coach basketball this Winter and I look forward to helping Devin try Lacrosse and I look forward to assisting Devin in getting better at football. I love helping him with his schoolwork. I want to see him succeed in academics so that he can pursue any dreams he may have.

I still have some personal goals but they have nothing to do with agility. I'll be keeping them to myself, after all, they are personal :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

A New Sport

Devin may have a new sport this Spring. I mentioned Lacrosse to him last evening and told him how you are allowed to use the stick in defense. He loved that idea so Greg went online attempting to find a youth program in our area. He couldn't find any but sent out some emails.

Today, Devin went to the Laser Dome for a birthday party and we ran in to one of his football coaches. I asked him what other sports his son does and he said Lacrosse. His son is Devin's age and so we asked him to send the information. I wanted a Spring sport for Devin and several people have recommended this one to us.

Basketball this Winter and Lacrosse in the Spring. I can't wait.

Feels Good be home and doing normal non-agility things. I'm still playing with the dogs and exercising them and working Robbie on shadow-handling to help his outrun/herding behaviors. BUT the biggest thing that I am loving the most is regular non-agility exercise for ME.

I went for a run yesterday. My legs felt quite strong until I hit a hill. My new goal will be to make it up that hill in the next few weeks. Not sure how long I ran, I'm guessing less than 1.5 miles. I don't track that right now since I'm a sprinter and I need to build up endurance again. I will eventually want to work up to 5 miles. I've never actually been able to do it but that was prior to my cycling days.

I hopped on my indoor bike today and rode while watching an old Nancy Drew TV show. I went about 7 miles and stayed on for 45 minutes. Nothing too strenuous and nothing too fast - just pure calorie burning and easy pedaling.

Tomorrow is a day of rest. I need to plan out my weeks so I don't over do it but I have no agility shows planned until the end of December so I want to work out a schedule that allows me to fit all of this in and still have enough left in my legs to work the dogs.

I rode Barb's bike out in AZ. It is one of the folding types and not very stable so I couldn't ride fast. I borrowed Val's mountain bike and had a huge smile on my face. I think it was the highlight of my disastrous National experience. Next year, I plan to take more time off and do some sight-seeing. I do not want my whole trip to be about agility. You cannot control your experience, you cannot control your dog's excitement level so I need some fun stuff to make the trip worth the 2 weeks away from my family.

I am adjusting my goals for 2009. Not sure what they will be yet but I'm sure the answers will come after I run or ride. It clears my head.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Robbie's Birthday Today

Robbie turns One today! I can't believe how quickly the time flies after they are potty trained :)

I need to get camera edit software loaded on my new laptop and take some new pictures of him. He seems to be done growing and while larger than many BCs, he is within a normal range. I bet he will measure 21.5 give or take and top out at 45ish lbs. That's not horribly big.

A student of mine who brings me treats and coffee was up at the building yesterday thinking I was going to teach. She called me so I went up but told her I was not in good mental state to teach but would bring Robbie along for fun. She worked all 3 of her dogs and then I worked Robbie. He was so good. He is probably not going to be a huge bar knocker like Gusto. He really tries to figure out what I want and then applies it at speed. He doesn't get over the top by my running. He does shoot past jumps coming out of tunnels - outrun-like so will need to stop that behavior.

He can't keep up with Gusto in the yard when Gusto uses his after-burners but he does have a nice stride. I have my fingers crossed that he turns out as nicely as the majority of top dogs running agility. It is soon time to get serious with his training - he is one year old today :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Eyes Have It

Faith Restored

I can't even begin to express my giddiness when I heard that Obama won the election. I was surprised that America actually made a choice that I can be happy with. I voted before we left by absentee ballot. I've never felt so compelled to vote before in my life.

Rosanne and I drove hard on Tuesday and were not done driving until late. We got to the hotel in time to listen to his acceptance speech. It sounded eerily similar to something Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr would say. I assume the speech writers did that on purpose. It was very uplifting to listen to.

He has a lot of work ahead of him to restore the hope and faith in many Americans - for our economy and for our world position and for our future. I do not envy the task ahead. I also hope that his security staff can keep him safe from the fanatics in our country that are very upset at the idea of someone of his culture getting elected. Not to mention his views - that will infuriate many too.

For our Country's sake, I hope they keep him safe. We've had too many intelligent people taken out in their prime because of the fear they instilled among the uninformed, the scared, the crazy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Arizona Recap

Well after nearly 3 days, Rosanne and I are finally home. The long boring drive did give me plenty of time to think and to talk to Rosanne and several other good friends willing to listen to me vent.

I really appreciated the calls, the emails and all the well wishers helping to pick me up after a disastrous start. I must also thank my teammates- Tracy and Claudia- for their help and for not giving up on me throughout the week. You were great teammates and made the week so much more special.

Here is my recap:
Gusto blistered his pads in Austin, Texas on the way out. I've already provided that detail in a previous post so will not go on about how he did it but will say the pads were very sore the entire week and it also affected his back. His back is still sensitive in several spots and his pads are on the mend.

The week started off with us running Team Jumpers. It was a nice course but a very tough tunnel approach after a broad jump requiring special handling to prevent an off course. This is an area that I am not very strong in so didn't feel particularly confident. I did walk to the line reminding myself how to handle that section but unfortunately, we went off course anyway. This was after my other 2 teammates had also gotten eliminated in the same section. Three eliminations in a big team events basically means your team competition is over as far as trying to be competitive. You can salvage your runs but you will not be making the cut off for the relay finals.

The next run was Team Snooker and I notoriously do not run Snooker well in a team event. I was determined to do better than I had at previous events so I picked a course that would limit the turns and the possible impact to Gusto's sore feet. It was not an aggressive plan but would get us some decent points. He ran it really well so I felt much better about how Gusto and I could do for the rest of the week. He ended up placing around 53rd or so out of 200+ dogs. Nothing to jump up and down over but at least it was a good run.

We barely got around Steeplechase Quarterfinals. I did managed to scream him off several off courses and his time was decent so he made it to the Semis. His time was about 28th out over 200 dogs so I felt good about it even though he was wide and wild the entire course.

Day Two included Team Gamblers and Steeplechase Semifinals. Gusto ran really nicely in Gamblers but he had a nasty fall off the teeter in the opening. I had to walk him around to ensure that he wasn't injured. We ended up with 65 points and had he not fallen off the teeter, would have had at least 73 points because we would have had time for more obstacles in the opening. He ended up placing 35th(ish). Unfortunately, Gusto found an off course option in the Steeplechase Semis that I never even considered. I was very upset because he is a fantastic Steeplechase dog and I really wanted a chance to try to make it to the finals. It was not to be and I had to get over the disappointment.

Day Three was Team Standard and Grand Prix Semifinals. Standard was a very nice course and I felt that I could do well enough to maybe place in that event. Unfortunately, he got called for his UP contact on the dogwalk and he also did not turn tightly in the closing line of jumps and added alot of strides which made his time not so great. But at least we got around without going off course. Grand Prix Semifinals was also a very nice course and I felt good about my handling choices. But once again, it didn't go as planned. I pushed too early to a tunnel and Gusto popped out of his poles. Oh well - another disappointing run to deal with.

No finals for Gusto and for me. He got to run European Jumpers on Sunday and he ran that nicely but dropped 2 bars and then had explosive diarrhea immediately following his run. I had to laugh at the fitting end to a disappointing week at his first Nationals. I had such high hopes and expectations, none of which were fulfilled. He did some wonderful things though and I felt pretty good about dealing with the pressure and disappointments. It did take some time to get over it though and I had to keep my spirits up so that I wouldn't affect my friends and other competitors. Since there were so many chances to pull myself up out of the gutter, I got better at it as the week went on.

I really enjoyed watching all of the finals and seeing my friends give it their all. The finals were really exciting to watch in person. I'm certainly glad I got to see it live. I would prefer to be running them though. There is always next year and according to my teammate for 2009, there is a podium spot for me next year. Thanks, Denise, for the vote of confidence.