Sunday, September 21, 2008

Devin's Football Game

Wow! He played like a champ! Seriously - not bragging like a proud Mom, I'm going to repeat comments made by Parents during and after the game just to prove it isn't me being a bragging Parent.

"Devin had a great game." "Your son is on fire." "Nice tackles." "Your boy caused that fumble." So many people noticed his playing and here is why....

Two near sacks resulting in no gains. Tackle that resulted in a 5 or 6 yard loss. A stop at the goal line. A tackle resulting in a fumble and we recovered the ball. He got in the QB's face several times when the boy was trying to pass, breaking up the pass attempts. When he got blocked, he was still able to help the boys make tackles. He played with heart - it was great to watch!

Here is the other fun thing about the game, Greg was the announcer and he did a fantastic job. He used music during the dead times. Several songs were ones that the boys liked and it got them all pumped up. What a fun night even though I was blowing my nose all night and basically miserable.

Staying home today, no agility because I am not up to making the 2 hr drive to Maryland.


LitlBigDog said...

Way to go Devin!! I get a kick out of you as the proud mom! Its fun to see another side! Hope you're feeling better soon - I'm still fighting a cold that started last week!

Sharon Gilligan said...

It's fun to listen to my Husband rant on bad calls by the refs. He is usually a quiet and unassuming kind of guy.