Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Reality is setting in. We leave for Nationals in approximately 4 weeks (I actually don't know the date we leave because Rosanne will say - we leave in X number of days and then I will know tee hee). My trial experience this Fall has been less than stellar because I moved Gusto up to 26 and he is dropping bars. I haven't been focused on my handling. I have the upcoming 3 day event at Fair Hill October 17 - 19 to see how he feels running at the 22 inch height class.

Luckily, Rosanne reminded me that I need to focus on my handling and forget about the bars in order to be ready for Arizona. Well forgetting about the bars is not exactly what she said but basically, I need to run him like I want to run him in Arizona....with the small little detail of holding his contacts for a beat. We all know I will be ripping him off early out there and then will have to come home and fix the contacts. Running contacts are in Robbie's future - can't stand losing because I held my stupid contacts too long.

I do not remember being this anxious about Nationals with Ivy. Probably due to the fact that I had no expectations with her. I just went out there to experience a big event. I do remember wanting to go out there and look like I belonged so I did feel that pressure. But Gusto has a shot of doing well - maybe not winning anything this year but at least placing in some events and maybe making finals. All he needs is to be in sync with me and for me to be mentally prepared.

OH BOY! No pressure :) He's almost ready to do very well Nationally - he needs me to step it up a notch so I feel that pressure too. I need to learn how to deal with that - that's life with a 7 YPS dog. He really is amazing and has come along way in the last year!

I keep telling myself....you ran a deaf dog and was decently competitive. You can do it. Ivy was way more difficult than Gusto in so many ways. While not being faster (she was a 6 ish YPS dog), she had challenges that would have stopped many people in their tracks. I perservered, I kept on keeping on, I chipped away at her weaknesses and my own. I just kept saying, she is talented and I need to show the agility world that she can do it. It kept me motivated. Now my motivation is a bit different - it's now about me being talented enough to run Gusto.

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

We leave on Friday October 24th. A month from tomorrow!!!!