Thursday, February 5, 2009

Workout Analysis

I love Breaking the Tape. That site is great. In the past, I would track my workouts in a journal style book but it wasn't electronic so I couldn't get a sense of true progress. This little website does all that for you!

I haven't worn my Ipod Plus shoes since I haven't been running outside and have mostly been walking with a bit of jogging on the treadhell. Been cycling indoors too. I went to the site to analyze my progress or lack thereof and noticed a couple of things.

My walking speeds are improving as are my distances. I've been able to add some jogging in and feel quite decent. Still can't put a full mile together right now -not indoors on the treadhell.

What I noticed too is that my cycling is declining. In January, my distances and speeds were improving but as my walking/jogging increases, my cycling has declined. I am not sure if there is a connection or not. I did notice a bit of irritation to my IT Band on the bike but not enough to stop me. Just enough to make me cautious. The one thing I did do recently was increased the resistance slightly - maybe that is the cause. It wasn't a significant change though.

HUM - something to ponder. I will be on the bike tomorrow. I might adjust the resistance a tad just to test my theory.

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