Thursday, February 5, 2009

Robbie Funny

I went to agility class last night despite the cold temps - below 30. I had cabin fever and just wanted to get out of the house and do something fun.

On the way to class, Greg calls me to let me know that Robbie is laying near my computer and staring at the door that goes to our garage and barking his head off. Greg talked to him to get him to stop and he refused to look at him and just kept barking. Apparently, he was not happy that I took Gusto and Ivy and left him at home.

Funny dog! He also barks his head off when we get near the training building. None of my other dogs do this.


Rosanne said...

My dogs all start whining and circling in their crate when I drive on gravel or a rough road. And it's DRIFTER who starts it.

Cuz the only places we go that have gravel are agility and sheep!

LitlBigDog said...

Winston always goes nuts on dirt roads - thinks he's going to earthdog!

Reddi goes ape when we arrive at Nana's house.

Sharon Gilligan said...

Robbie now barks like a fool when he sees any agility building that he has been to before.