Friday, March 20, 2009

The Nightmare Begins

The news was not good. Robbie didn't have Xrays so we do not really know the extend of the news except that the vet was able to manipulate his shoulder in and out of the socket way more than he should which leads him to believe we are dealing with some sort of shoulder luxation. Shoulder luxation would be similar to having your knee give out on you when you went to put weight on it. It can be congenital, it can be from trauma.

He is scheduled for Xrays on Monday even though my appt yesterday was specifically for the f-ing Xrays. I was very pissed that they weren't prepared to do them when I told them that was why I was bringing him in!!!! UGH!

Prognosis depends on how bad it is and what the root cause could be - if that can be determined. Worse case scenario is that his shoulder parts are not formed properly - this is congenital and surgery rarely helps. This would be a career ending issue. Best case scenario is that his ligaments are loose from injury and they will heal themselves with rest. Surgery may be required but I do not know at this point.

I've talked to 2 friends that have dealt with this same issue in their border collies. One required surgery, one required rest and therapy. Both are doing agility and were seen by the same vet out in Pittsburgh. Believe me, I will take him to that vet if he needs surgery. I want the best possible chance for a full athletic career - the reason I got him. I cannot rehome this boy, my family threw an absolute fit when I told them we might have to place him in a pet home. Husband and son adore this dog as do I. Like I need another dog that sits at home and looks pretty! I'm down to one competition dog.

I will keep running and cycling in hopes that I can try some racing (running) to replace agility. I can't keep collecting dogs to do agility with and I get too attached to place them in new homes when they don't work out. If your shoes don't work out, you get news ones. I know some folks that take that philosophy with dogs. I'm not one of them.

Will post more information as soon as I have some details.

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